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(VIDEO) The Silent Slaughter

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(VIDEO) Media Corruption

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A 15 Year Old’s Review of — Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far


A Fifteen Year Old’s Review of — Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far 

Not Afraid of Life, written by Bristol Palin with Nancy French, is a captivating story of Faith, Family, and a whole lot of Drama. Not Afraid of Life exposes the trials and the sufferings Bristol Palin experienced throughout her teenage years and the false exhibitions that were played out by the Main Stream Media. 

Bristol Palin wrote this book in a way that is not only personal but that is charming. When she discussed her family and her childhood it was impossible not to smile. Many of the stories she told, from when she was a young girl, reminded me that her family is normal and very relatable. (And much like mine!)

Despite what the media is trying to make it seem like, the entirety of this book is not about Levi Johnston. Yes, she does discuss their former relationship in detail, but this book is more than just a little, petty love story that didn’t work out. It goes into the gritty details and the many regretful decisions Bristol Palin made as a teenager and how she overcame those decisions.

Not Afraid of Life does a fantastic job at debunking the false accusations and lies that the media has tried to throw at the Palin family. It also displays the thick skin and the hardworking family that the Palin’s are. Along with highlighting the unfailing love Bristol has for her precious son, Tripp. It describes the hard work and dedication it took for her to get where she is today. Her story is inspirational and one to be greatly admired.

Coming from a youth perspective, this book was very impactful. Not Afraid of Life reminds me that just because someone is not necessarily a “bad” kid, they can still get caught up and overwhelmed by the secular world. Bristol Palin said multiple times in this book, that she was a good, Christian girl, but that she got caught up with the wrong guy and her desires overwhelmed her since of right and wrong.

Bristol Palin has experienced a life she never thought she would. Some people say, “Why is her story any different than any other teen mom?” But Bristol’s story is different because of the way she overcame those trials. Most people would have given up if they would have had to endure what Bristol did. An average person would not have survived those trials. But not only did Bristol survive them, she faced them head on. Fearlessly she pushed through the many hindrances placed in her way with Grace and Integrity.

I would highly recommend Not Afraid of Life, to anyone and everyone. This book made me, smile, laugh, and cry. I applaud Bristol Palin for her Courageous and Gutsy spirit. This book has greatly impacted my life, and I know that it will do the same for everyone who reads it and gives it a chance. I look forward to seeing where God leads Bristol’s life, and the great ways He will use her to spread His good and perfect Word.


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The Fight for Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy


The Fight for Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy

When thinking of the Soviet Union, I reflect on the one speech that defined the Soviet Union’s dissolution. I think of Ronald Reagan’s speech on June 12, 1987. In this speech, formally known as, “Tear Down This Wall” Ronald Reagan dares to challenge Gorbachev and the Soviet Union’s totalitarian state. As President Reagan stood at the Berlin Wall, that was separating the free world from the tyrannical one; he exercised his freedom of speech and the need for Liberty, Freedom, Democracy and a Revolution. One of my favorite quotes from this speech is:

“Freedom leads to prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient hatred among the nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor.” -President Reagan 

Throughout the entirety of the Soviet Union’s reign, the US was greatly affected. Every day the Soviet Union would grow further away from freedom and liberty, and every day America’s leaders would worry of what may come of this Socialist Power.

As other European countries began to revolt against this Tyrannical Dictatorship, the Soviet Union’s power began to deteriorate. One by one the countries would flee from this corrupt nation, making it that much harder for the Soviet Union to reach its goal, complete and total control, not only of Russia but of the world.

With all of this unrest, the Cold War began. It was the conflict between the Communists, led by the Soviet Union, and the Democratic nations, led by the United States. This was the effect of two opposing views on how people should live. In a Democratic Society everything is based upon the people. In a Communist Society, everything, I repeat everything, revolves around the Government. Obviously it was impossible to find common ground and a moderate compromise with such conflicting views. The US and many other nations knew what had to be done. The Soviet Union must be defeated, once and for all.

Not only was this a war on freedom and economics, but it was also a war on Power. At this time the Soviet Union and the United States were sharing the spot light. They were both considered the great powers of the world.

With the Soviet Union’s citizens’ hurting and the overall welfare declining, at an excessive rate, the United States, and other democracies, knew that something had to be done. With Gorbachev aware of the threats from other countries, he made the decision make  a few “changes”. He wanted to exhibit himself as a patriot. He began releasing prisoners and giving people freedom of speech, to a certain extent.

Some people were conned by this “nationalistic” act, but the US Government was not fooled. Following these changes, President Reagan gave his forever honored speech. As President Reagan declared his dedication to this cause he spoke directly to Gorbachev, he said:

“General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” –President Reagan

The passion was ignited and the freedom bell was certainly ringing. It was not long after this speech that the Soviet Union began to dissolve. On December 31, 1991, the Soviet Union was defeated once and for all. Democracy once again reigned supreme. The United States of America was once again the world’s Superpower. The end of this Communist dictatorship was a new beginning for democracies everywhere.

Although it was an excruciating hard time for many countries trying to rebuild their economy and their futures, it was a bold step towards a better tomorrow. Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty shined through all of the bad, giving people hope for a brighter future.

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(POLL) Will Sarah Palin Run for President?



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15 and a Political Maverick


 15 and a Political Maverick

I’m Madeleine McAulay, a 15 year old from North Carolina, who is turning herself into an up and coming political diva! Day to day I look to bust through new doors creating opportunities for myself.

As a young girl I was always interested in politics. Whenever I would meet someone new I loved to ask if they were an “Elephant” or a “Donkey”. I always preferred the “Elephants”.

I grew up in a conservative family, but the family was not completely engulfed in the political realm. As I grew older my political aspirations grew larger, but it was not until the 2008 election that my ambitions really sparked. The day that John McCain announced his running mate, was the day that changed my life forever. As I watched the Vice Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin, at the Republican National Convention I became inspired. Sarah Palin was not the typical “politician” she was a wife, a mom trying to make a difference for her children.

Even though John McCain and Sarah Palin did not win the election that did not mean Sarah Palin was going to just disappear back to her home state of Alaska. That was the complete opposite for Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin became one of the most influential “politicians” known to man. Sarah Palin continued her political career and her success lead to the creation of a new group on Facebook, Youth for Palin. Youth for Palin is a grass roots organization striving to implement the strong conservative values to the American youth with an emphasis on Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. I got word of this group and was quickly brought on as one of the group’s Administrators.

In Present day I serve as the Co-Founder of Youth for Palin, now a 600+ Member Conservative Force. Youth for Palin’s official title is, Youth for Palin: Mama Grizzly’s Cubs. The organization now has its own official site:, along with twitter @YouthforPalin. Due to the strong leadership of our team we have been able to overcome any hindrances that have been placed in their way. Youth for Palin is now thriving and is the largest Palin support group on Facebook.

My aspirations are to become a Government Attorney and to pursue a career in the world of politics. Some may ask me why I’d would want to pursue a career in such a corrupt government, my reply is always that I want to help end the corruption and to help restore America to its former greatness. I know it will not be easy and that I will be faced with trials that will test my beliefs and morals, but I’m reminded every day that God has a divine and perfect plan for my life and that with Him we can conquer anything.


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The Silent Slaughter

The Silent Slaughter

1,300,000 innocent lives are murdered in America alone every single year, but you don’t seem to see that as breaking news. Millions of innocent lives were lost during the Holocaust, and we went to war. Over 3,000 innocent Americans lives were lost on September 11, and what did we do? We went to war. I think it is safe to say that when many lives are lost, we as Americans decide to step in and end it. We have seen this happen multiple times in our nation’s history. That seems like the humane thing to do. But why is it that when 1,300,000 babies lives are taken away no one seems to pay any attention? Is one’s life more valuable than another?

Abortion has destroyed innumerable innocent lives. When I say destroyed I mean more than just ruined. I mean mutilated, massacred, slayed, demolished, assassinated, and slaughtered. What these doctors do to these babies is disgusting. As Americans we should be outraged, but are we? No, we are not. We go on with our lives in denial, instead of owning up to the fact we allow over 3,500 babies to be slaughtered, in America, each and every day. We as Americans are supposedly the peace keepers of the world, but how can we be the peace keepers if we allow such a blood bath to go on within our own borders? We should be mortified. In America today, we care more about the trees and our animals than we do about our children, the future of our country.

As Americans, as peace keepers, we should be ashamed of ourselves. How can we commit such an evil act against such an innocent human being? People say that it is none of our business, and that if we are Pro-Life, then we should just not get an abortion. But that is the problem. We as fellow Americans need to stand together for all of the babies who have been silenced. For all of the lives that were never lived. These babies, these lives, need a voice. We need to give them a chance, a chance to live a prosperous life. Who are we to judge their purpose? God has a divine plan for each and every life and we are selfish beyond belief if we believe our breath is more precious than another. Since 1973, 50,000,000 murders have been committed. When will we as Americans do something about it?

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500 Days of Sarah

500 Days of Sarah
September 3, 2008. That was the day. That day was the day that changed my life. 12 years old, a young mind, and a heart wide open, I sat and I watched the Vice Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin give a compelling, heartfelt, and passionate speech. As I watched my heart, spirit, and soul were completely engulfed. I had never experienced anything like it. Typically a 12 year old would not be compelled to watch an hour long speech, I was no different, but this woman, this mom, she was unlike anyone I had ever encountered before, I sat and I watched the entirety of the speech holding on to every word the Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin said.
Why Sarah Palin? Why not Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin is not just your everyday politician. She is a wife, a mom. She is a mother who got involved in her local community because she saw corruption. She saw dirty crooked politicians and she was determined to change it. She did not want to change it for selfish gain. She wanted to change it for the sake of her Children, her children’s futures. Starting with the School Board, to Mayor, to Governor, to Vice Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin busted through doors as a storm. She was a whirlwind of passion, dedication, and love for her God, her Family, and her Country. What is next in store for Sarah Palin? Can you say, “Madame President”? 
The Boots were made for Walking and that’s just what they will do, Obama, in 2012 Sarah Palin is going to walk ALL over you!”    
(I thought it was fitting)
In one ear I have the Palin haters telling me she won’t run and that she is unelectable. But then I have the FACTS coming in the other. The facts that tell me Sarah Palin is a True American; she is an American willing to do anything in sacrifice for our Great Country. She is a Mama Grizzly ready to attack when someone tries to ruin the Fundamental Values of our country, which is exactly what is going on. She is the only Republican Candidate willing to do what is right no matter the party affiliation. She is the only Republican Candidate willing to challenge the Current Administration without fear of being criticized by the Lame Stream Media. She is the only Republican Candidate willing to take on the GOP when she sees corruption. Quite frankly she is the only Republican Candidate I trust, she is the only one willing to get her hands dirty, for the mission of saving our country and restoring it to its former greatness.
Sarah Palin is the change I can believe in, the leader I can believe in. And I am 100% positive she can conquer and defeat the Current Administration in 2012.


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